
Topsil PY-30 is a high performance silicone for making printing pads.



Usin Pad printing silicone has many advantages:

1.) very good flow

2.) High tear strength

3.) No impurities, good resilience and outstanding oiling

4.) Good printing effects

5.) Long shelf life

6.) Addition curing


Data Sheet:   



Operation Method:

By pouring available

What  is the life expextancy of a pad?  

Wear and tear are common, when using a product non-stop. The pad printing pad is one of the components of the pad printing supplies that mustbechangedregularlytoensureyouaregettingasolidprint. One pad printing pad can be used to print approximately 50,000 to 100,000 products. This, however, depends on the quality of print required and the type of inks used. The life expectancy is longer using single-component inks and shorter using two- component inks. The size and shape of the pad printing pad as well as the shape of the material printed also has an influence on the life expectancy. In the case of very sharp corners or extreme curvatures on an object to be printed, the pad can be physically damaged after as few as 1,000 to 5,000 prints. The physical properties, such as tear resistance or resistance to swelling in contact with solvents are better with a harder pad printing pad compared to a softer one; The softer pad contains more oil, which will have a bad influence on the physical properties.

The life expectancy of a pad printing pad can be extended considerably by careful cleaning and treatment with silicone oil. To extend the lifetime of a pad printing pad, we recommend using a pad no longer than 8 hours in succession. After eight hours of production, it must recover for eight hours. Before the pad printing pad is stored, it must be treated with pad printing oil.


Store in a cool and dry place 18 months from the date of production.


Warm Tips:

* It should be stored in a dry place in its original sealed container.

* Read the product safety data sheet(MSDS) carefully before using, which can be got from the supplier.


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